Statues? Really???
So now we are taking down Statues?
They are offensive.
They represent people who had slaves.
Where does it end?
Bla bla bla.
So take them all down and then? what?
Is your life better now?
Is racism gone now?
Why don't you go to school or get a job.
Stop killing each other.
Live and let live.
Do something productive with your life.
Second Amendment
No good citizen wants to kill or harm anyone with a gun.
But if it has to be your life or the life of a scum bag, you have no choice. Guns at home, where there is kids, should be in a safe or somehow away from the kids.
A background check should be a must. But some states are a joke to make you wait months to get a license.
You have the right to carry the last time i checked!!!
Health Insurance Companies care about one thing and one thing only: Money! They make money more than you can imagine and it is Never enough. They deny people coverage for a lot of things even if it means that getting a transplant is a matter of life or death, or even if making a patient stop his mental health treatmeant early, could cause that patient to kill someone or themself.
From the CEO to the bottom level worker,
All they care about is saving money, no exceptions!
People's lives will never mean anything to them!
They are ALL simply cold hearted money hungry animals!
HUNTER and his Laptop
Hunter Biden left his laptop at a repair shop and then we all found out what was on it. But before the 2020 election, most of the media said that the laptop was Russian disinformation. Suddenly now 2 years after the election, everyone is saying that the laptop was real.
Facebook was told by the FBI to make sure to remove anything on Facebook that mentions the laptop.
Hunter Biden had videos of him with so many hookers and showed how much of a cocaine addict he is. If a regular citizen have done that, they would be in jail now.
The laptop had so many emails that showed the corrupt Biden family and all their illegal dealings. From Hunter, his uncle and his father aka the BIG GUY!!!
One of Hunter's business associates came on tv and spilled the beans about all the illegal things the Biden family is involved in. I mean Hunter is on board of so many companies that he has no idea what his role is but paying the big bucks meant favors for those companies from the BIG GUY!!!
In 1988 Hunter was arrested for drug possession in Stone Harbor NJ he admitted but there was a pre-trial intervention and the record was expunged. Hunter Bide was suspected of smoking the rock in 2018 by staffers at Archibald’s Gentlemen’s Club in Washington, D.C. He’s been in rehab at least six times for drugs and alcohol, and by his own admission spent four years addicted to crack. He is not known to have ever spent a day in jail.
Just when you think the Clintons are corrupt, the Biden can beat them in being the number corrupted political family ever!
People use the word Courage like it is has no real meaning.
When a man decide to become a woman is NOT Courage.
When a soldier sacrifices his life to protect us, that is Courage.
I am so sick and tired of the lies, ignorance and the liberal views about Courage.
Stop attacking people because they believe in something when you want to be treated equal.
Stop making people do what their beliefs does not allow them to.
That is called: Religious Liberty and people have the right to it.
You have the right to do whatever you want but you have NO right to attack anyone's religion.
You have the right to cheer about something but don't attack someone who wants to pray.
You have the right to be proud of what you are but Stop bragging about it.
Equal rights does Not mean taking away others rights and beliefs cause that could simply mean that You are nothing but a Hypocrite.