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The Fraud Squad

Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Ayanna Pressley: The Fraud Squad!

They have said a lot of ignorant and hateful things. From hating Israel and Jewish people, supporting terrorists and terror

organisations, saying nasty things about President Trump, calling the border patrol as Nazis guarding concentration camps,

and asking for a raise cause  174K a year is NOT enough, among so much more nasty and dumb things and they will go down 

in history with them forever. 

They simply nothing but bunch of Socialist who hate America. 

The fact they got elected to Congress is sad and disgusting but if they get re-elected, it would really be a shock. 

Shame on them and on anyone who actually believen anything they say. 

Trump, Hollywood and the Media


So Hollywood and Liberals went nuts when Trump get elected.

They called him racist when he actually have tons of black, Lebanese Jewish and gay friends.

They say he is a fascist and i bet you they don't even know what that means. 

So many people from Hollywood said they are leaving the country if he becomes a president, BUT they are still here. 

Hollywood said that he is hateful cause he wants a border wall but they all live behind big walls. 

Then you get all the Media attacking him specially CNN and MSNBC.

Wow it is so BIAS and disgusting that they stopped delivering the news.  

It is so funny how they forget how much money he gave away to the Democratic party and his old friend Hillary. 

So many Fake stories every day with so much lies. 

The big  Fake stories are how Russia helped him win the election and how much he likes white supremacy. 

They hate ANYTHING he says no matter what it is!!!

It is so disgusting and a proof that No one wants a non-politician in the White House cause no one can buy him out.



Climate Change Hoax

I have been listening to people like Al Gore all my life 

saying that the ice is melting and we all gonna be

under water. If we do not stop using fossil fuel and

gas, mother earth will vanish. 

We must use electric cars and have wind mills all over. 

Well electric cars are expensive. Charging them is 

expensive. There is NOT enough charging stations. 

The grid is beyond NOT ready to handle the pressure

of charging electric cars at all unless you wanna have

blackouts, just ask CA.

Charging stations are mostly powered by fossil fuels. 

Their batteries are mostly made in China, are expensive 

and they usually end up polluting the ground by all the

mining activities. Some are recycled but many are not 

and it ends up dumped in landfills.  

Wind turbines blades can kill flying bats and birds. 

Their blades can break off, catch fire and freeze 

because of ice. The one in water are bad for the sea 

animals too. 


Climate Change is nothing but a Hoax! 

BIDEN and his Daughter: ASHLEY 

Ashley Biden has a diary!

In her own words, she wrote:

“Hyper-sexualized @ a young age. What is this due to? Was I molested. I think so – I can’t remember specifics but I do remember trauma – I remember not liking the woolzacks house; I remember somewhat being sexualized with [a cousin]; I remember having sex with Friends @ a young age; showers w/my dad (probably not appropriate). Being turned on when I wasn’t supposed to be.”


Have you seen Biden around kids and women???

He sniffs their hair right and left, he even landed few kisses on their lips and you don't think there is something wrong with that???

Joe Biden is a senile sicko, period. 

JFK: The Only Real Democrat

John F. Kennedy was the last real Democrat. 

He was a man of the people and he did not believe in big secretive government. Between him, his brother Robert and MLK, the world have changed in a good way thanks to them. 

But their thinking was opposed by many specially from the FBI, and the CIA which JFK wanted to abolish. Their deaths was not what it looked to be. They were specially hated by Edgar J. Hoover who did not like black people.

In my own opinion, i believe Hoover the CIA and many more conspired to get rid of JFK his brother and MLK for so many reasons from personal issues with Hoover, JFK wanting to get rid of the CIA and all the other people that hated JFK and his ideas and policies that interfered with all the corruption in this world. 

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